“You are a multi-dimensional being experiencing life with Gaia and all her creatures. In fact, you are one of her creatures too!”
I often use the words code, re-code, rewrite, etc. and I realize many of you may not know what the heck I’m talking about. :-)
What are codes? If you can see energy you might see the fractal nature of life appearing as falling blocks of colour or light - fractal codes. Some coding can look like symbols. It all depends on how you see things. We can each observe the same code as something different.
I see codes as different energy frequencies. When I’m coaching a transmission I see/hear/feel codes as words like justice, renewal, redemption, etc., or I might see a code as an infinity symbol for example. These are codes that come in to help people go through a process. (a re-coding, a release, etc)
Some participants of transmissions can see or feel the energies move through and around them. Some see the codes as moving swirls of light. Everyone I’ve ever encountered who attends transmissions repeatedly, open up to their hearts more and eventually start to see/feel into the non-physical reality around them.
If we break all frequencies down into Love and Fear we see two types of (coded) behaviors - one expressed as Love and the other expressed from Fear. If we break Love down we see all types of loving ways of being, like Gratitude, Appreciation, Faith, Wisdom, Joy, Kindness, etc. It’s the same with Fear. We see ways of being, like Hatred, Disdain, Control, Opinion, Judgment, etc.
“Behaviors of Love are said to relate to the Unlimited, True Self.
Behaviors from Fear are said to relate to the Limited, False Self.”
We are fractal-light beings. When our energetic coding is in a state of disharmony, we could say we have disrupted codes that look like darkness, illness, fearful ways of being. When our coding is in a state of harmony, we could say we have more light, feel better, have more energy, feel loving and express it.
When we expose ourselves to faster frequencies of energy (in energy sessions), we can rewrite, remove or release those codes not in harmony with Love. Fast frequencies help us heal emotionally, physically and spiritually. In a transmission, we invoke a code (frequency). It usually takes 3 sessions of the same transmission, to fully download a code into your energy field and complete the process.
We give and receive all types of codes from everything. Music, movies, people, nature, etc. Everything seems to be an exchange of energy. Our goal in the upcoming series The Dedication is to allow the many frequencies of Grace (let’s say she’s the Grandmother of all codes!) to re-code our energy. At the same time we will share these codes with the world around us by intentionally focusing on and invoking specific honor codes (appreciation, gratitude, etc.) for 6 weeks at a time. We are going to invite them in as we walk through our day using simple ways of being, energy practices and a few techniques.
We want to ground in this way of being and anchor these faster frequencies into the physical plane and let them do their magic. By doing so, we can rewrite, unwind and release the veil of illusion, separation and darkness the false self created, and anchor into the field of our unlimited nature, of Truth and Love - creating The Veil of Peace.
We need both the energetic, medicinal frequencies (transmissions, guided-energy meditations, healings, Grace expansion sessions, etc.) and simple daily practices to really get the results we’ve been seeking. And what are you seeking? What do you want? Most of us simply want to feel better.
“ Let’s fall into the arms of Grace and let her be our guide.
Nobody knows us like Grace does!”