Creating a Veil of Peace.
A Quest to Transmute Fear into Love!
““A shift from the False Self’s projections of fear, into the True Self’s projections of Love. Generate a wider, lighter personal energy field that offers new perceptions of expanded consciousness.””
Release the disrupted memory-codes of fear-based living - unwinding the veils of isolation and illusion, created by our false-self’s ideas of protection and safety.
Shift into new perceptions, open your inner-vision, utilizing the energetic honor-codes and energy practices of self-love, compassion, appreciation, kindness, humility, forgiveness, gratitude, self-acceptance, reflection, generosity, release and more.
Anchor in faster frequencies of energy, moving deeply into your heart. Stop rejecting any part of yourself and start living from a new level of Love - discovering your eternal, infinite, universal, multi-dimensional self.
““The Dedication is a Love practice, a prayer, a devotion to Grace, who we truly are and the unseen Celestial and Mystical forces that can aid us in ways we aren’t aware of.” ”
The Dedication is a 30-week practice (split into 5 - 6 week sections) that will test our commitment to who we truly are and all that is beautiful and loving. During the Dedication we will not only unwind, release and re-code our energetic fields, but ground new, faster frequencies into our day to day life - creating a more expansive, renewed way of being through heart-based living.
The practice of being loving helps us remember who we truly are without having to figure ourselves out too much. As we dedicate ourselves to the many forms of love, like appreciation, kindness, gratitude, etc., our hearts ignite speeding up our vibratory state - breaking us free from the false protection and isolation of the mind. This automatically affects everyone around us as we create these fields of Universal Love.
We are going to establish a deep, loving relationship with our Eternal Self, focusing on who we truly are more than focusing on what is false within us.
We will be invoking the energies/honor-codes of Grace, using Grace Transmissions, Guided Meditations, Grace Expansion and Healing Sessions, etc. More below…
Start dates:
FEB. 9 - SELF-ACCEPTANCE AND APPRECIATION - with the Positive Expectation Transmission. COMPLETED
APR. 8 - COMPASSION AND SELF-LOVE - with the Sacred Doorway Transmission COMPLETED
JUN. 20 - FORGIVENESS AND HUMILITY - with the Wisdom Transmission - COMPLETED
OCT. 20 - GRATITUDE AND REFLECTION - with the Gratitude Transmission COMPLETED JAN 15/25
NOTE - I will be repeating this series once it is complete in JANUARY 2025.. Sign onto the mailing list (below) to receive further updates.
The Grace Fields
We will be creating powerful transmissions with the many frequencies of Grace.
What’s Included in each section:
3 Grace Field Transmissions - These one hour, high-frequency, energy sessions will tune and re-code our own energetic field, which in turn helps us release any energy not in harmony with Love. They can show us what we are going through and where we are at. Grace Transmissions open us up to our hearts and help us feel the non-physical being we truly are.
**The theme of each transmission may change without notice.
Guided meditation MP3’s - these guided, energy sessions are very healing, grounding, soothing and and will be key tools for you this series. The meditations will focus on the energies and practices of each section. They will guide us through different release practices and take us deep within - sometimes showing us the more mystical side of things. ;-)
Meditations, Healing Circles, Grace Expansion and Soothing Sessions - remote sessions where we gather at the same time.
Daily/weekly focus - I will be posting in our workspace other things we can practice and play with, that will help us retrain the mind and expand our field of energy.
The Instrument Panel of Feelings & Emotions - I will help guide us deep into all emotions and feelings, showing us how true freedom comes from embracing them thoroughly. We create our reality through vibration and focus and this panel is a crucial guide for our daily life. If we want to cease struggling, dump the past and discover more Love, we must stop projecting, repressing or resisting our emotions.
The Mind Piece - learn how to soothe, quiet and re-train the mind. The mind is very insidious and can mess with us a lot! It keeps us in that “us and them” mentality. There is never one thing we can do to quiet it and we have to shift and change the ways we deal with it. I’ve discovered many ways to cease its’ chatter and control. It is not our enemy, it has just been our boss for far too long - keeping us locked in our stories and dramas.
1 Webinar - this will vary each section. Examples: Harmonic Accessing, Re-Code your DNA, etc.
Movement- a powerful way to embrace that which we resist and release stagnation. We can gauge our progress by how loose our body becomes. We will discover new ways to move and release our body’s density so it is able to anchor in a faster vibration.
Online Portal for each section - as we move through The Dedication for the first time, I will be creating an online portal you can enter for each section that you sign up for. It will host all the information from the above, including uploaded MP3’s, videos, webinars, etc. You will be able to enter it during the 6 weeks and use it anytime in the future.
Forum - I will create a user forum to share experiences. If and what you choose to share openly to the group is up to you.
And More - as we move through this series for the first time, I know for a fact new things will be created. There may be more guided events to attend, new practices, etc. Who knows? Should be a lot of fun - we always have fun!
Please note:
The webinars and live, guided events will be recorded and posted in each portal to be viewed at anytime. The transmissions, healing sessions and Grace expansion sessions can be attended remotely from anywhere in the world, without getting online. While the energy of the healing and expansion sessions can be recorded into the guided meditations for future use, the transmissions cannot. NOTE - while I’ll do my best to make this work for all, please try to shift your schedule to make these transmission sessions. It’s okay to miss the odd transmission, it won’t affect your progress through this series in any way.
PRICE: - $ 325.00 for each section
Stripe (through the website) - credit cards, etc.
E-transfer - - please email me for registration as well.
Local - cash always appreciated.
* Once you pay and I receive your registration, I’ll send you the access to the section of the Dedication you’ve signed up for. There will be MP3’s for download, the Transmission Invocations, other information and more. Therefore no refunds, thank-you.
* More information below.
“Re-coding your energy can move you through the shadow level of human consciousness,
out of your projected, genetic survival-mode, which is keyed into the frequency of fear.
I believe this is one of the most important things to do right now. It will give us the much needed energy and
guidance we require for the coming times.”
More information…
The Dedication is a self-paced practice that can be experienced no matter what your schedules are, or where you are in the world. It is a solo journey within a group experience. It’s life, and how to practice living it with a focus on increasing your access to inner-warmth, creating a larger, magical perception of everything around you.
It will not be something where you have to work on yourselves, process your stuff or tell your stories of what happened to you (this will keep you locked into and programmed by the ego’s projections, re-traumatizing yourself). You will be learning to face and embrace what you’ve resisted, aided by the Love of Grace. This is creating a new way of life, beyond someone else’s belief system - imposing upon you the idea that you are bad, broken and need fixing. This also goes way beyond the ideas that life on Gaia is a school where everything is a lesson to be learned. If you believe that, the lessons will never end!
The intention of The Dedication is to wake up to who we truly are and discover all those wonderful things we think we are not. Our focus will turn towards those around us, practicing responses that ignite the fields of Love that positively effect us all.
This is not just saying yes to everyone. We will be re-training ourselves to share our loving-nature above all else. This will show us where we are at and how we really feel deep within. This practice will anchor in faster frequencies of energy into our lives and help us move out of that veil of illusion we were born into. Want to free yourself from the world of illusion and move beyond your old stories of pain and suffering? Then this may be for you!
“It’s not about fixing the shadow, it’s about remembering who we are!”
I know from practice and observation, that we are all more powerful in a group. While you will be faced with your own fear-based projected or repressed behaviors on a very intimate level, you will also have the energetic support of Grace and the field created by the group’s focus.
The idea here is to live less and less through the lens of genetic-survival modes of fear and reflected delusions of the mind, and shift into the unlimited perceptions of Grace.
These practices can bring us to that whole other level :-) of remembering and enlightenment, opening us up to the magical, mystical animals, our multi-dimensional self and Celestial beings.
The Dedication is a call to those who want to free themselves of the struggle and isolation that living through the limited-self creates. It’s for people who are willing to dive deeper into the doorway of their Mystical Heart and discover it’s mysteries. It’s for anyone on the beginning of their path of remembering and for those who’ve been on that path for awhile. Come as you are!
**This will end some traumas you are still running. I‘ll share some tools that help you transmute your suffering, but if something arises that you feel you are not able to move through on your own, you can book a Trauma Awareness session with me. Click here for more information.
**Reduced rate for personal sessions for members of The Dedication.
“Let’s take the seriousness out of it all and have some fun, creating a new way of being, moving out of our way, letting Grace do the work for us.”
I often use the words code, re-code, rewrite, etc. and I realize many of you may not know what the heck I’m talking about. :-)
What are codes? If you can see energy you might see the fractal nature of life appearing as falling blocks of colour or light - fractal codes. Some coding can look like symbols. It all depends on how you see things. We can each observe the same code as something different. (continue blog here)
Unlocking the heart…..
“How loving, open and accepting can we become? I believe there is no end to the expansion into our hearts.” Catherine