Let’s acknowledge the importance of this time and its’ special relation to each of us and the natural world.
A seven-day Dedication, utilizing the magical codes of gratiTude…Honouring gaia, the mystical animals, our own divinity and the Celestial Beings that surround us.
December 17 - December 23, 2023
“ Catherine is a wonderful facilitator for healing. I found her recent Winter Solstice Vigil (2023) lead me into a warming Celestial experience, helping me touch into a powerful time for awakening. I feel I have benefited greatly from this experience and very grateful to Catherine for it.
Image by Richard Lee
“Gratitude is an energetic code that revitalizes our heart centre, helping us expand deeper into this sacred doorway, anchoring our Presence firmly in this world. Gratitude slows us down so we can perceive what life is actually showing us. With Gratitude we fall into Grace’s loving arms and open up, allowing her flow of celestial magic into our lives. ”
Welcome once again! .
The theme of this years Winter Solstice Vigil, is Gratitude.
Our focus will be turned towards the Celestial and Mystical, creating a stronger alignment and a renewed dedication to all these benevolent forces.
Our goal in this energetically charged time is to fall deeper into our hearts, by unwinding the threads of the false-self, that keep us numb, frozen or reacting and projecting - blind and deaf to the truth and the mystical guidance always offered to us.
We will utilize the power of Gratitude, Love and Grace, allowing those fast frequencies to do the work for us.
This Solstice Vigil will include:
3 - Remote Gratitude Transmissions - 1 hour long (see below for more information and or click here)
4 - Remote Healing & Ease Meditations - 30 min. long
1 - Guided energy session - Soothing and helps us integrate the transmissions and flow stagnate energy /emotions. (Zoom session) - 30 min. (this guided session will be combined with the last transmission on the 23rd.)
4 - Daily meditations (remote) - a specific time will be set, where I will create a field for us to all sit in 30 min.
Movement/Dance - this will be important. I’ll create some great play lists to move to. Without movement it will be hard to flow the stagnate energy that wants to move and ground the new frequencies in.
Prayer practice - we’ll learn to hand things over to the Presence.
Powerful healing meditation MP3 Nano healing - helps us heal from technology’s negative effects, as well as, heal from the negative effects of the “shot”, whether you had it or not.
Daily messages sent, with a focus for the day.
Plus some other goodies I’ll share with the participants.
“The gates of benevolent guidance are open to all.”
Are you grateful for everything? The positive and the negative things that occur?
Cost: $199 CDN.
Payment Methods:
Stripe at checkout - all cards
E-transfer - (email me with name for registration the day money is sent)
Cash - hey if you are local, I’d appreciate cash! (Email me
I’m opening up the Gratitude Transmission on December 20th for anyone who’d like to attend that has not signed up for the Solstice Vigil.
Cost:$50 (same payout options as above)
December 17
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM - Gratitude Transmission - we will meet on Zoom before the transmission and set intentions for the Solstice Vigil (this part is optional). I’ll read the Gratitude Invocation and then we will sign off and sit in the field, in the silence of our own space.
December 18
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM - (remote) Meditation
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM - (remote) Healing & Ease Session
December 19
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM - (remote) Meditation
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM - (remote) Healing & Ease Session
December 20
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - (remote) Gratitude Transmission
December 21
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM - (remote) Meditation
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM - (remote) Healing & Ease Session
December 22
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM - (remote) Meditation
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM - (remote) Healing Session & Ease Session
December 23
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Guided Energy Meditation ending with Gratitude Transmission - . We will meet on Zoom for a guided meditation, followed by the closing transmission. (we can decide on the 17th if this time works for all participants)
*NOTE - this is a lot!! You don’t have to attend all sessions. This is designed for the different schedules we all have. Also, if you feel at any point it’s too much, it’s okay to skip a session. The meditations and healing sessions will be more easing and soothing. The Transmissions can be soothing as well, and or very intense and accelerating - depending on what you need. This field will be held for 7 days straight!
Remote - means we are not getting online together. These non-physical fields can be joined from anywhere in the world.
I will send one personal insight for each participant after the week is over. This will include notes from all Gratitude Transmissions, healings, etc.
Events and schedules may change. For example, if I feel we need another type of transmission instead of Gratitude (after the first one) I’ll change that up. I’ll do my best to make the schedule work for everyone.
““The Solstice is strong with this one!””
More Stuff:
Gratitude is practiced by saying thank-you, and that’s true of course.
In energy terms Gratitude is an illuminating vibration - a fractal code. We are going to to invoke the frequency of Gratitude in a Grace transmission and allow that frequency to tune our energetic system and bodies.
A transmission is a powerful heart-field, where mystical and magical things can occur. They are very healing, as well as informative.
This charged, energetic field can help participants feel and shift stagnate energies/emotions, experience the faster, lighter resonances and their own non-physical nature. They open up the heart center and inner-sight too.
My intention for all of us this year is to take a deeper step into ourselves, into those areas/energies that call for release, using the frequency codes of Gratitude and energetic, release practices. These practices unwind the tapestry of the false-self (ego/small self/mind), that has us living under a veil of false protection - hindering our expansion. We can look at this veil as energetic, woven codes that are dis-harmonic - the opposite of harmony.
If you’ve attended anything at Healing in the Field, you will know that I do not believe we have to work on or process any of our issues. It simply does not work and actually re-traumatizes us and traps us into creating more issues to work on. (Yes - talking about your problems, traumas, what happened to you, adds more to your trauma-load when the key initial trauma still runs.)
These releases are not work, simply energy exercises that I have found very effective and easy. I discovered them just over a year ago and as I practiced them, I found myself feeling lighter and my inner-sight opening up even more, all with little effort. I love when things get mystical :-) !!
I did touch on one of these release practices last Solstice, but we only had a few days. We will spend the whole week experimenting and playing with these releases. It will be fun to see what transforms.
The false-self is made up of the projections of others. Parents, family, schooling, friends, societies rules and regulations, religions, etc., etc. The false-self creates this illusion of protection which keeps us blind to who we truly are AND… keeps us locked into the system - the program that controls through fear. We become the projectors!
We aren’t trying to remove this part of us, we are simply unwinding and releasing the energetic, dis-harmonic threads of the energy created by it, that keeps us looping in the same behaviors, lost in victim-hood. This helps us discover those blind-spots we are unaware of.
The goal is integration!
It’s one thing to know intellectually that we aren’t our ego/false self/mind, but it’s another thing altogether when we release the disrupted codes of this self and energy patterns it created. This brings a deeper connection to source, going beyond simply knowing something. It brings those lost parts of ourselves back to the heart.
The result brings a new perception from that truer, unlimited part of us. Now more than ever we need to enhance our perception, get wisdom from the celestial realms and our own guidance.
Practicing Loving-Kindness, Self-Love, Gratitude, Forgiveness and Compassion daily, along with energy practices, can open us up in magical ways, helping us to see and perceive like never before. I chose Gratitude for this session. Gratitude is powerful - but only if we have gratitude for everything.
Can you have gratitude for the tyrants that run things? Your mother? Your father? The Ex that drove you crazy? Or are you projecting back onto them blaming them for all the world problems or the problems you have? When we are lost in our ego-projections we are locked into this system - this matrix. From what I have seen of this matrix it’s really quite beautiful when clear and celestial. It looks like a honeycomb made up of beautiful tubes of light. It also can be black and ghoul infested. It surrounds us personally and also in a bigger way.
If you have a lot of inner disdain, hatred, coldness, non-gratitudes, your matrix will look pretty dark. I’ve seen holes in it and the celestial animals on the other side of it. (Metaphysical writer Stuart Wilde says that when you die, look for the holes in the matrix and go for it. Maybe that’s true? Maybe going for the light isn’t the way out?)
We all want to feel free, but that’s only going to happen within us, when we free ourselves from the program of the false-self. This in turn, opens our perception to see the program of fear and control that runs things and the lighter, celestial side of things.
Hope you join in, we always have a lot of fun.
Much love and Gratitude, Catherine
“After sharing some profound solstice ceremonies together as members of another group, I am so grateful that Catherine has begun to offer her own sacred Solstice retreats over the last couple of years. It fills a much-needed demarcation between the ending and beginning of a new year. An intentional time to breathe out and release the old and complete before a refreshing, new inhale of light and love.
I appreciate so much Catherine’s ability to create a beautiful and empowering container where we can come together virtually and gift ourselves the space and time to quiet down, reflect on and come to peace and closure with the events over the last year, and consciously intend healing, grace, renewal, rejuvenation, peace, understanding, and joy as we welcome in the new light of the New Year, just like the Daoist monks used to do at this time of year. Catherine creates a great balance of elements for healing, circling, sharing, inner revelation, plus she generously shares her gifts of Grace transmissions and visioning to help guide us and widen our perception and perspective of our experiences and relationships and who we are becoming. When the world is so busy and in running-around mode, I truly appreciate the opportunity to do the opposite for a few days with Catherine masterfully holding the space for those of us seeking more balance and to evolve our souls and consciousness during the powerful gateway that the Solstice window provides.
Thank you Catherine! I am so looking forward to what you have percolating for this one!
Much Love and Gratitude