Hello all. I’ve taken time off since March. I didn’t really think I needed it, but the past year (2019) I was dealing with caring for a sick father, who passed last December.
I thought I’d be off and rolling in March, knowing what I know, what I can share and teach, but a transformation within was going on, brought on by the worldwide chaos and new restriction in my/our lives. I had to move through something, to get better at what I teach.
It’s going on in all of us, some of us just don’t see it, or have the tools to navigate it.
I feel very different, than I did earlier this year. In a very good way!
Taking time off proved to be positive. New information downloaded making healing the body way easier. I found new information out there about viruses, what they really are, and how they work in our bodies, part of our immune system. I applied that to what I know about energetic healing and came up with something much easier than I was previously taught. I’ll be doing a webinar series in early 2021.
Below are some new things, free offering and a blog. Enjoy.
Love and Grace, Catherine
Gift Certificates. Give the gift of emotional mastery and vibrant health!
December 21, 2020. Solstice Event.
New Grace Healing Field - Wisdom
The ancient Chinese Sages said that this was the most powerful time of year and spent many days in meditation and tapping ceremonies; utilizing the energies flooding the earth.
“We just finished our first test run of this Field. It was beyond words, as usual. The intensity and power left me buzzing for 12 hours, in a good way! :-) My test pilots report, that although the transmission itself felt strong and intense, the day after they felt great, way less resistant to their feelings, new awareness surfaced and one felt way less resistant to doing her artwork and finished up a pastel drawing and sold it.” Catherine
Click image for details. Hope to see you there! Special sliding scale rates.
Coming Soon…
A Present from Me to You!
I’ll be sending out a link, before Christmas, to a free, guided meditation that will help sooth your energy, give you some relief from any energy you carry that’s not yours, and help free you of some inner stagnate energy, you may not know you hold. I’ll add a dash of healing in there too! Keep an eye on your in box.
From my heart to yours!
Harmonic Mastery
You have the ability to stop colds and flus within minutes!
Worried about Corona? Illness of any kind?
I teach people to heal themselves. I’ve helped people learn to heal terminal cancers, auto-immune disorders, colds, flus, asthma, allergies, etc.
YOU hold this power and I’ll show you how to tap into it and use it very quickly. New information has downloaded in the past 6 months, making this easier to master.
Coming in January 2021…
Fear of the Atom, and I’m not talking bomb.
When all this upheaval started back in March, I was feeling these incredible, wonderful energies, a new download. Interesting because it didn’t feel like something very wonderful happening in the physical, did it?
As the year progressed, I realized from a very Large, Infinite Self perspective, (yes sometimes I can get myself there :-) ), that it felt like Grace was behind all the changes. Yes, I saw the shadow side play out in the world too, but this Grace vibration kept getting stronger and stronger and I could let more in when I was willing to meet every emotion surfacing within me, with softness.
It felt/feels like, it was pushing everything to the surface that I was no longer aligned with.
The result of meeting everything within myself, without resistance, helped me go deeper within and align more with my source, my Infinite Nature. I felt more energetic openings and some new Gifts appeared. I’m creating/created, some new guided meditations that are very profoundly healing and takes one so deep within, so easily; it surprises me.
It’s helped my clients find a more solid footing too, amidst all this restriction and uncertainty. This energy is available for all and you don’t need any special gifts or talents, just the willingness to meet every emotion surfacing. If we soften and meet our feelings, neither projecting or repressing them, we learn to master them; creating good feelings, aligning deeper and deeper, to we truly are. This is power! This is the part of you that lives in joy and bliss, all the time!
I don’t claim to be perfect at this…ha, ha! Of course not. I can spend time festering, worrying, ranting..etc. But those times are becoming more and more short-lived. It feels just too awful to hang in the slow moving vibes and I sure don’t want to create my life from that energy.
Stories lock us into our emotions as well.
So what story are you in? Any physical story. Who are you blaming? Are you projecting your emotions onto government officials? Masked or not masked wearing peeps? Donald Trump? Your neighbor? Your family that disagrees with you? Or, are you the repressive type that swallows it all down? Put on a smiley face, have a sandwich, a drink, be nice, don’t rock the boat. Are you secretly seething within, kicking the dog?
Here’s the THING you need to know, above all else.
If you carry around a trauma load, emotional baggage, stagnate energies, etc., you will attract things vibrating at that same frequency. You’ll create these scenarios to free yourself from these energies that can make you really sick, unhappy, depressed.
So along comes a great change in our world. At some level we all created it. (more on that another time) It’s forcing us all to WAKE UP! Our planet is going through a huge vibrational shift. It’s easy to see…it’s in our face. The energy of corruption is coming out full force. Not just corrupt governments, money systems, the ultra greedy, medical systems, corporations, etc…..it’s the corruption within US all.
Notice how the fears that are being shaken out of you, from your very core get projected onto someone or something? Take a look. Are you projecting, or repressing?
Oh, I do believe there will be a time where we need to stand up for our freedoms for the safety of the children, but doing that from a higher emotional/feeling place will have way more power. We’ll come from a larger perspective. Our Love and Compassion - true Wisdom.
I teach people simple ways to master their emotions and heal their bodies. How to rise up that scale of emotion to true feelings of love and joy. No matter what you do to feel better, it will only be short-lived, if you bypass those feelings that scare you. They feel awful I will agree, but when you no longer fear any feelings, you truly become FREE! What you really fear is simply a slow moving, stagnate molecule of energy. An ATOM.
We have to connect into our inner Warriors. That part of us that isn’t afraid of anything. That part of us that says, “OK, this sucks this feeling, but I’m going to meet it, and feel it!” Oh, the freedom in feeling.
We can transmute our energy into faster moving Atoms. Stagnation releases. Movement happens. Energy from our Source can get to those places within that need it. Our body feels better. Healing happens.
Lots of Love, Catherine Di Pietro