Acceptance and Appreciation

Appreciation and Self-Acceptance help us release the ways we constrict ourselves, igniting a field of Universal Love.

Discovering who we were created to be!

The Dedication will start with the energies of Appreciation and Acceptance. I chose them first because it is so important to soften, accept and allow all things about ourselves and the world, so we can lessen the resistance we have to facing anything. In fact, Accepting will be a key vibrational focus throughout the whole series!

APPRECIATION - to see what is Truly present.

Appreciation shifts and deepens our perception of everything and everyone, guiding us to the deeper truth of what is being presented. Energetically, appreciation positively rewrites and charges the energetic codes in our field that create our patterns of being.

When we choose to see the deeper meaning and the beauty and goodness in people, we shift in consciousness creating a wider, lighter field of energy. This field creates a bridge between another that positively affects their field as well.

When we are lost in the shadow of judgement this blocks our appreciation, locking us into the mind's warped view, which traps us in the matrix – the program of fear and control.

ACCEPTANCE - Enjoying the Peace of Who you were created to be.

When we are truly vibrating the frequency of Acceptance, we naturally soften and accept everything in our world. On the instrument panel of emotions and feelings, Acceptance lies in the resting zone. This is a place where we give up (in a good way), relax and perhaps feel a bit bored, empty, a bit indifferent or pessimistic. Finally…we rest in Acceptance because we realize there isn’t much else to do.

Once we are truly accepting, we easily shift into even faster frequencies feeling more courage, hope, happiness and maybe even some positive expectation. Our world starts to shift and we can hear our inner-guidance more clearly than the rattlings of the limited-self. These frequencies are the vibrations of your big, Unlimited-Self.

Acceptance can bring us back into our own natural rhythms.

When we can truly find Acceptance, Love follows.
— Catherine

Positive Expectation Transmission

The Positive Expectation Transmission is about Renewal - a new zest for life. It’s about remembering and experiencing who we truly are. It can help dissolve the projected, false-self’s rigid judgements, opinions and patterns, as well as, release deep, repressed energies that run us from within. It helps us tap into the Celestial Energy and Presence that is all around us.


  1. February 11 - 7 PM

  2. February 25 - 7 PM

  3. March 17 - 7 PM

Once you register and pay, you will be sent the link and password to enter the Acceptance and Appreciation workspace, where you will find MP3 guided-energy meditations, practices, information, etc. I’ll be setting the date and time for Webinars and guided events as we move through the series. (will try to suit all schedules wherever possible)
