Open your inner sight and walk in this world with more Compassion and Love!
NEW! The Wisdom Transmission.
Sitting in this Grace Field is like receiving a very powerful divine hug, from your Inner Being. It helps to release stagnate, restricted energies that you may not be aware of, as well as, the energies of others. This field releases the inherited, parental, energetic, imprinting (genetic codes), that affect your physical DNA, restoring, repairing and removing/installing what is needed. The frequency of Wisdom will help release you from the veils that blind you, aligning you deeper to Grace, opening up your perception, increasing your ability to discern. You’ll become more aware of where you’re at and what you’ve been over focusing on, or caught up in - that’s not in alignment to your Larger Self.
This Grace Field requires 3 full sessions, to fully integrate these energies.
More information on Grace Fields (here).
Cost: $75 or $100
Book 3 sessions: - $225 (email catherine@healinginthefield.com)
See calendar for scheduled sessions.