The Sacred Doorway
Enter the Heart - The Gateway to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds.
Journey deep into the center of everything!
Your Heart is an energetic doorway into the multi-dimensional worlds. This transmission helps release what blocks this entrance and opens you up to the warmth of your Heart.
Come and join in this wonderful field of truth, wisdom, lightness and fun! Sink deeper into who you truly are. Ground and strengthen into a higher vibratory state. Become your Heart's eyes and voice, sharing this sacred space more and more in your daily life.
In this Healing Field, you will have the option to listen to a short, guided-meditation, the invocation and then relax into a wonderful Grace Field with music or without. Most of us make the mistake of thinking we aren't heart-connected if we don’t feel the love or expansion the heart offers. Not true! I believe we are always connected here or we’d perish. The idea is to get into alignment with this powerful center instead of being more aligned to the mind. There also can be outside energies affecting this center as well.
In this short meditation, I will help you soften and dive into those feelings that seem to block your heart's love and wisdom and show you how to use them as a doorway into the Heart, AND show you a way to remove what’s in the way.
I find this one of the most powerful ways to soften and enter into this space. This technique has been shown in the Weekly Guided Meditations, to give all the participants a greater feeling of grounded strength, which they have said, they can call upon anytime and or feel more of the time. Every week this new strength grows and stabilizes within. Interesting...the crazier the world seems to get, the stronger we are feeling!
In our resisted emotions, lie all the great feelings!
Hope to see you in the Field.
Much love to you, Catherine DiPietro ©2021
Image by Tim Mossholder
The following message came to me while I was writing this introduction. I felt it was from all of our hearts!!
I ask you all to notice. I ask you all to pay attention. We are one. There is no separation between you and your Heart. It's the illusion, it's the game.
You need me more than ever right now. My guidance for you is unparalleled anywhere on Earth. I'm here at your service and am way beyond what you can mentally know.
Speak as though you know this part of you inside out. Play with bringing my awareness into your daily lives. Seek my guidance always and you will come to know me, without doubt or question.
What is evolution, ascension or awareness, but a journey back to a childlike playfulness? You'll find that lightness deep within you, through the doorway, which is me, but really you. In this playfulness you'll find the Strength of a Thousand Horses and the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
Thank-you, Our Hearts ;-)