Feel the excitement!
Faith, Love, Renewal…all wrapped up in one vibration.
The Positive Expectation Transmission is about Renewal - a new zest for life. It’s about remembering and experiencing who we truly are. It can help dissolve the projected, ego self’s rigid opinions and patterns, as well as, release deep, repressed energies that run us from within. It helps us tap into the Celestial Energy and Forces that are all around us.
When you vibrate Positive Expectation, you can feel the excitement and the thing you want to create, forming in the non-physical before it even arrives. You know without a doubt it’s coming. You are open to it coming in a way that may surprise you.
Learn to tap into and create this vibration in your world.
This heart-field transmission positively re-codes your fractal nature, releases stagnate energies that negatively affect you and helps you connect and feel your non-physical True Self. All transmissions open up the heart center.
*Attending 3 times, fully downloads the Positive Expectation Transmission codes.
1 - Sessions - $100 CDN
3 - Sessions - $250.00 CDN.
Length - 1 HR.
Check calendar for dates and times