Acceptance & Love
Love is simply the warmth within.
When we truly accept ourselves, we discover the self-love we’ve been searching for. Acceptance is a vibration - a feeling within us. We cannot fake acceptance, anymore than we can fake love. What we can do, is intend to feel that vibration of acceptance and take the journey into the faster feelings of the Infinite Self. This requires us to move through those energies we’ve avoided. It’s not as daunting as it seems, once we realize that no emotion is wrong and that these feelings, are actually a guidance system, we do not know anything about.
We were taught emotions were wrong, or something to clear, get rid of, stop doing, stop feeling and stop being that way! Once the journey through the scale of emotions and feelings takes us to this accepting place, Love for yourself and others is very easy, because you are vibrating that within, aligned to your infinite nature that is Love.
Love is simply the warmth within, a vibration of fast moving energy that feels very good. As we vibrate faster, we physically warm up. Once we start vibrating acceptance, we naturally feel more accepting. It is very easy then, to move into Love, which is a faster frequency than Love. Acceptance gets you to Love!
Once we vibrate aligned with our Divine Nature, we see through these eyes. The eyes of our Hearts! Love is all there is, when we deeply live through our Heart.
This Grace Energy Session Transmission, helps us unwind stagnate energies, revealing patterns of shame, deep within our cell memories. Universal Love blossoms when we ‘see’ with eyes of the Presence. It helps us release the ways we’ve constricted our life force.
This Field will last 1 hour. Option to attend sharing & intention group before-hand, included. (35 min.)
Price: Pay $75 or $100 CDN.
See calendar for dates, (click here)